
Juicing 101

I know many of us are committing to eating better. I get tons of questions about different cleanses and fasts, but my approach to nutrition is simple: I try to eat from a plant, tree, or animal at every meal. I avoid highly processed or pre-prepared foods as much as possible. I avoid quick fix detoxes, radical cleanses or empty promises from companies trying to cash in because I believe that if you eat well, your body will take care of itself. One nutrition trend I am a big fan of is juicing! Juicing has become quite popular in the last 10 years popping up in local strip malls, cafes and gyms because, simply, it makes people feel good. And while I don’t recommend a juicing meal plan necessarily, drinking fresh juice alongside healthy eating habits is an easy way to ensure you are getting your recommended servings of fruits and vegetables. Oh, and it tastes great

Yes, juicing is delicious, and you may be surprised as to how easily you to will become obsessed with this healthy habit. I personally add fresh juice to my diet and do not advocate juice cleanses or fasts that eliminate whole foods. But, juicing may be the quickest way to add nutrients to your body and feel totally energized. I put together my nine favorite juicing recipes to share with you along with a few juicing tips to get you started


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